Tuesday, July 09, 2019


Who just happens to have given a sweetheart deal to Epstein.

Who Trump knew very well indeed, despite right wing media trying to hide this decades-long relationship.

What are the chances?

What are the chances that Trump knew both Mossad Lolita Express Epstein and CIA paedophile manager Roy Cohn, and both very, very well indeed? With Trump liking 'em young and his 'fondness' for his very own daughter Ivanka (who he encouraged to base the supply chain for her global fashion business on cheap Communist Chinese sweatshops)?

They are all corrupt, blackmailed, both, maybe worse.

Whatever. Infowars and their derivatives like MAGA maggot Paul Joseph Watson dragged you all into the left-right paradigm they warned us about not falling into. They gave us Trump. Destabilizing Trump. They said Trump would sort it. But what do we get? The same and worse! Venezuela. Iran. All the time covering up 9/11 and Roger Stone coz of what Stone's role is: extreme rightist Zionist globalist fixer. Does MAGA maggot Watson not realise that he has been a total prick in promoting Trump coz of who and what Roger Stone represents? It doesn't matter. MAGA maggot Watson has had years to realise that, but he was too busy flogging you all the pathetic caffeine-based Brain Farce for a massive profit, as well as taking the wages from selling out to the likes of Zionist RebelTV, rather than do some proper research on Stone and Trump and Zionism and CIA paedophile rings run by the CIA/Mossad.

That is the true MAGA maggot Paul Joseph Watson: pure greed.

One day work for a nation/ideology. Next day sell it out. Agents and all.

MAGA maggot Watson decided that making big Zionist money for himself from a shitty caffeine-based product was much better than telling you all about CIA/Mossad paedophile rings.

That says it all about the maggot.

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