Monday, July 08, 2019


That fact?

Donald Trump called the deep, dark CIA/Mossad agent Roy Cohn his "greatest friend".

As I will never get sick of saying, Roy Cohn ran paedophile rings for the CIA:
1. to obtain and use blackmail material;
2. to supply children to be abused at the 'parties' of CIA-sponsored satanists, some of which Cohn attended.

During the 2016 campaign, the so-called 'leftist' media did briefly mention Cohn. They couldn't not do. The Trump-Cohn relationship was well known and well reported during the 1970s and 1980s. But what that same 'leftist' media did was portray Cohn as just an eccentric but loveable rogue.

So why did the 'leftist' media not do their job to expose the true Roy Cohn: appointed by the CIA to be the de facto liaison between the CIA and the mob; appointed by the CIA to run their paedophile rings.


Because the intels control ALL sides in the media; left; right; centre; centre-left; centre-right.

All sides totally controlled to keep us divided on the minor issues, but when it comes to war and/or regime change, the media sing the same song and try to get us to sing along, ie support war.

And the reason the intels wanted the media to not expose the true Roy Cohn was because it would have torpedoed Trump. Because the intels under orders from Wall Street wanted Trump in the White House. Because their 9/11 war plan is 11 years behind schedule and Trump was proud of claiming that nobody loves Israel more, and nobody is more loyal to Israel, than him. In other words, Trump was the guy to start war for Israel.

But also, such a fact would have exposed the true CIA to the American people!!

At AIPAC 2016 Trump told the Zionists that the first thing he would do as POTUS would be to rip up the nuclear deal with Iran, while Clinton supported the deal. Scrapping the nuclear deal would provoke Iran into enriching uranium again. The Zionists were furious with Obama for arranging the JCPOA. Obama had done his job until then. He'd bombed Libya to kill Gadaffi. He'd assisted the Jihadis in Syria, though he stalled after Ghouta in August 2013. And he helped the Saudis in Yemen (as MAGA maggot Paul Joseph Watson will testify). But that Iran nuclear deal infuriated the Zionists. Why? Because it took the best opportunity/excuse of bombing Iran away from Israel! The world would not accept Israel just bombing Iran on a whim. Israel needs Iran to be enriching uranium, albeit at a low level! So when someone like Trump comes along and tells AIPAC he'd rip up that deal, what do you think happened?

Yep. The Zionist money and media then got behind Trump. I've explained many times what happened in 2016 regarding Stone/RebelTV/FBI etc. But for now, Trump won because Adelson money and Murdoch media handed The White House on a plate to Trump.

Protecting Trump's "greatest friend" Cohn as a facilitator of paedophilia, was crucial, otherwise along with all the other revelations, such as Trump hosting underage-sex-and-cocaine parties, Trump would have been destroyed.

Then Trump wouldn't have been able to pull the USA out of the JCPOA.

And then shenanigans in the Persian Gulf wouldn't have started.

And then Iran wouldn't have started enriching uranium again.

And then Israel wouldn't have the perfect excuse to attack Iran in order to 'defend itself' from an Iranian nuke (even though uranium needs to be at 90% enrichment while Iran is only at 3.7%).

You see?

9/11 was done for a reason: to get Iran. Yet nearly 18 years after 9/11 and Iran is still there, though Iran is hurting due to ball-breaking sanctions.

The 9/11 warmongers are absolutely desperate. Iran is destroying their Jihadis in Syria. But with that desperation comes very grave danger that any war on Iran could become global very quickly if things aren't managed.

Some, like money-grabbing pervert David Icke, say that they want WW3. I disagree. I think they do want war with Iran, but not a global scale. And I also believe that Putin will stand aside like he has with all the other previous wars after 9/11. I explained why yesterday.

But it was Trump pulling out of the JCPOA that kicked off all this tension and the escalating threats.

And Trump would not have been able to withdraw from the JCPOA if the 'leftist' media had done their job in 2016 and exposed the true Roy Cohn: "greatest friend" of Donald Trump and manager of paedophile rings for the CIA.

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