Saturday, July 13, 2019


Roy Cohn was Donald Trump's "greatest friend". But Cohn ran paedophile rings for the CIA:
1. to obtain and use blackmail material;
2. to supply children to be abused at the 'parties' of CIA-sponsored satanists, some of which he attended.

Cohn was also the de facto liaison between the CIA and the mob, a job given to him by the CIA.

Cohn died in 1986 from AIDS.

Trump and Jeffrey Epstein met in 1987.

How do we know?

Because in a phone interview in 2002 Trump said this:
"I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."

2002 - 15 = 1987

1987 was also the year that Trump bought the CIA/Mossad money-laundering front Resorts International.

So, Trump's "greatest friend" Cohn who ran paedophile rings for the CIA/Mossad died in 1986.

The following year Trump buys Resorts International and meets Epstein who like Cohn ran paedophile rings for the CIA/Mossad.

And this when Trump himself held underage-sex-and-cocaine parties where many girls/young women were lured into having cocaine-fuelled sex with sleazy old men and where Trump was "a f*cking beast...getting laid like crazy"!! Was Trump being used to collect blackmail material for the CIA/Mossad? Or was he collecting blackmail material for himself to use? Well, he somehow became President of the United States and has done everything the Zionist U S Military Intelligence network that did 9/11 has asked of him. And yes, that is the same U S Military Intelligence network who Alex Jones and mega MAGA maggot Paul Joseph Watson work for.



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