Monday, July 08, 2019


And if he is able to sell out this guy, who else will he sell out? Your children?

Shortly after 9/11, MAGA maggot Paul Joseph Watson wrote a half-decent book on 9/11 and blamed NWO intels.

Infowars also blamed not just Islamic terror but all terror on NWO intels.

Infowars also blamed everything bad on the NWO, NWO intels, banks, Israel, Saudi Arabia, British monarchy, Freemasonry, Bilderberg, CFR, etc.

But then Roger Stone began to appear on Infowars.

This was just after Trump announced his candidacy for the presidency in 2016 as a Republican. Stone's role was to promote Trump to the Infowars demographic. Infowars had initially claimed that Trump was a shill for the Clintons, because until then the Trumps and Clintons were Democrat and very close. Infowars claimed that the plan was for Trump to win the Republican candidacy but then Trump would act the clown to hand the election to Hillary.

Stone is the rightist globalist fixer: he gave Florida to W to enable 9/11 and the subsequent wars; he enabled the financial crisis of 2007/8 by scuttling Eliot Spitzer who was investigating corrupt Wall Street practices.

Anyhoo, shortly after Stone began to appear on Infowars, Infowars changed their tune on basically everything.

Before Stone: everything bad due to NWO, NWO intels, banks, Israel, Saudi Arabia, British monarchy, Freemasonry, Bilderberg, CFR, etc.

After Stone : everything bad due to leftists, muslims and immigrants.

Infowars made a fortune out of the former claims.

Infowars and their former employees like MAGA maggot Paul Joseph Watson are now making a fortune from the latter claims.

Why? Coz they are now U S Military Intelligence propaganda merchants. And where was U S Military Intelligence on 9/11? AWOL. And what has U S Military Intelligence done since 9/11? Planned and executed wars for Israel.

In other words, MAGA maggot Paul Joseph Watson made a fortune out of selling out this guy who, on 9/11, rather than be slowly roasted alive, threw himself from the 82nd floor of the burning WTC.

Daddy Watson?

More like the following : pervert Watson + sell-out Watson + manipulating Watson + maggot Watson.

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