Friday, August 09, 2019


Brexit is all about Great Britain making loser trade deals with the USA and China because EU GDP are way behind that of the USA and China, and there is a growing risk that the EU will soon impose draconian legislation on The City of London.

Great Britain, or rather the oligarchy that controls Great Britain, does not want a nuclear war with China.

Nuclear war is too risky to the planet, and such a war could get out of control very quickly. WW1 and WW2 were devastating but controllable. In a nuclear war the planet could be evaporated in seconds.

In his first book on 9/11, Alice in WOnderland, Icke pointed out the control that Conrad Black and Rupert Murdoch have. He said that Black and Murdoch know what's going on.

But it is Murdoch driving Brexit through his puppet Farage.

And BoJo was created by Black.

And yet Icke persists with the Barings Cummings propaganda: let's take back control.

I thought Icke was here, sent to save us becaue he is a 'warrior', to 'wake us up'.

But he's croessed the line and is now abusing this position to impose his own beliefs as 'the troof'.

I mean, I gave the ******* ********* much money in the 2000s for his court case. But when I realised he had been spying on me for years in one of the most anti-war, anti-racist homes in the UK if not the world I asked for it back.

Not a single penny has been returned.

Icke has made a living from the alleged plan laid out by Albert Pike for 3 world wars.

But there is no concrete evidence that such a letter was written.

Where does Brexit fit into this plan?

Why has he not mentioned Murdoch's control over Brexit?

Why has he not returned a single penny?


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