Saturday, June 20, 2020


This time over Lauren Southern, who claims Derek is in a cult.

And yes, Southern is correct. Derek is indeed in a cult: the Cult of Trump.

How else can it be described?

On 11th September 2001 4 passenger planes were hijacked. Three planes flew into the WTC and even the freakin' Pentagon! The fourth allegedly crashed in Pennsylvania. This terror attack led to nearly 3000 deaths on the day, and millions of deaths and casualties afterwards as the USA went to war for revenge. The USA is still at war, in Syria. Though what Syria had to do with 9/11 has not been explained. One explanation is that 9/11 was done by the Anglo-American-Zionist Empah for grab for natural resources and destroy enemies of Israel.

Infowars made themselves and made much money after 9/11, claiming 9/11 was an inside job (it was), and that most if not all terror is run by intels (it is). Derek even wrote a book about 9/11 and blamed it on intels intent on creating a Pax Americana.

These claims from Infowars were made fom 2001 until 2015.

But then Trump decided to run for POTUS.

Infowars then did a 180 U-turn and began and continue to blame everything on leftists, muslims and immigrants instead.

Turns out that Infowars is Zionist U S Military Intelligence!!

Derek accuses Southern of selling out. But he sold out to the perps of 9/11!!

This is the Cult of Trump right there. ENJOY!!

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