Friday, June 19, 2020


If you want someone to follow then make it Tony Gosling. The Ickes have sold out.

Alex Jones' family is Confederate and CIA, and he's U S Military Intelligence. Infowars is part of a stay-behind network for U S Military Intelligence. He says he was chosen by them because he came from "good stock". That "good stock" founded the extremely racist Republic of Texas in 1836, and then fought at the rank of colonel and general in the Confederate Army to defend negro slavery during the U S Civil War. Alex bragged to his ex-wife that his ancestor founded the Texas branch of the Ku Klux Klan. Alex continues to defend the Confederacy by claiming the U S Civil War was not about slavery but that the war was instead about a tariff (even though all but one Ordinance of Secession explicitly stated that slavery was the prime reason for the war)!

In 2016 Infowars sold out when Roger Stone appeared on the show to promote Trump to the Infowars demographic, Infowars having initially called-out Trump as a shill for his good friends the Clintons. That was when Infowrs went from blaming 9/11 and everything bad on the New World Order to blaming 9/11 and everything bad on leftists, muslims and immigrants. Trump's "greatest friend" was Roy Cohn who ran paedophile networks for the CIA. These networks were used to obtain blackmail material, and to supply children to be abused at the parties of CIA-sponsored satanists, some of which Cohn attended.

Both Trump and Stone were very close to Cohn. So close in fact that LPAC/EIR allege that Stone and Cohn were homosexual lovers.

Trump told Sheldon Adelson that he, Trump, is the biggest Zionist on the planet, and that nobody loves Israel more than he does. And we can't argue with that: continuing the war in Syria; trying to provoke war on Iran; and covering-up 9/11 and stabbing the families of 9/11 victims in the back!

Despite knowing all this, David Icke continues to promote himself on Infowars, and his son Garth promotes Infowars and Paul Joseph Watson.

There is an agenda behind this merger between the Ickes and Infowars. I think I know what it is but need just a little bit more evidence before I can confirm it. At the moment I think it involves my stolen and hacked codes, and that they and their friends are using them.

Perhaps we'll find out when my solicitor writes to Garth (once I find his address) to ask how he obtained data hacked from my computer?

Anyway, further to the tweet of Richie Allen today about Brian Rose: Rose also had Alex Jones on playing an embarassing role of adoring David Icke, when 20 years ago Alex called David the "turd in the punch bowl".

That lot are in this just for the fame and money. No altrusim whatsoever.

So dump the Ickes, and follow Tony Gosling.

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