Sunday, June 21, 2020


Infowars made millions from 9/11. They claimed 9/11 was an inside job (true) done by U S intels with Saudi Arabia and Israel (also true).

Until 2016 this was their raison d'etre. From this commercial and financial success they began an Infowars Lifestyle line of products, including male beauty products.

But then in late 2015/early 2016 Infowars changed their tune bigly.

Coz Trump announced he was running for the Presidency.

Roger Stone appeared on Infowars to promote Trump to the Infowars demographic.

And virtually overnight Infowars went from blaming 9/11 and everything bad on the New World Order (British Monarchy, Freemasonry, banks, Israel, Saudis, Bilderberg, CFR, Skull and Bones, etc) to blaming 9/11 and everything bad on leftists, muslims and immigrants.

This continues to this day.

And as soon as Trump was inaugurated he led a standing ovation to the Clintons, and sold out to Israel and the Saudis.

Trump is continuing the war in Syria, stealing Syria's oil and handing Syrian land to Israel.

He tried to provoke a war on Iran by assassinating General Soleimani, who was arguably the one man who had helped to defeat Islamic State in Syria.

Trump is extreme rightist Zionist Confederate U S Military Intelligence.

Infowars is extreme rightist Zionist Confederate U S Military Intelligence.

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