Monday, March 29, 2021


Keep your diary open for 11th September 2021.

For that day is the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

Infowars made their fame and fortune from 9/11. Alex Jones claims he even predicted it! Infowars blamed 9/11 on The New World Order consisting of the USA/UK/Israel/Saudi Arabia and their intels. In fact, Infowars blamed everything bad on the the NWO, their intels, their banks, their monarchies, and their secret societies such as freemasonry, Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Skull and Bones, etc.

But in 2016 that all changed.

Donald J Trump announced his intention to become POTUS. And a guy by the name of Roger Stone began to appear on Infowars to promote Trump as "the real deal".

Trump claimed to be the biggest Zionist on the planet, and after Netanyahu had killed 500 children in Gaza in 2014 Trump called him "a great guy".

But Trump's giga-Zionism was a problem: how could Infowars promote Zionist Trump if for years Infowars has been accusing Israel of being a key member of the NWO and of running 9/11 and global terror?

Easy peasy!

Infowars sold out.

Instead of blaming the NWO for everything bad (9/11, terror, paedophilia, war, etc) Infowars began to blame everything bad on leftists, muslims and immigrants.

This persuaded the  crucial Infowars demographic to vote for Zionist Trump.

And Trump repaid them well. He slashed taxes for the rich and corporations (Alex Jones is a multi-multi-millionaire from peddling every event as a global conspiracy), added $8 trillion to the US national debt, did everything Israel asked of him, and continued the 9/11 wars. And despite Trump promising his supporters that he would expose 9/11, he didn't.  

So it will be very interesting to watch the likes of Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones squirm as they remember 9/11, if they even do. Will they continue to blame 9/11 on real-life muslims after selling out for Trump? Or will they return to their roots and blame the very intelligence agencies that they now work for as propagandists?

I wouldn't be surprised if it was Watson and Jones who professionally burgled my sister's house, thinking that all they need to do is change a few numbers in my codes. That's how dumb they are. They got played by the extreme right in US intelligence. They couldn't see it because of their greed. Jones now wishes that he had never met Trump. He also said he knew Q, but then admits it's all a scam.

But the worst of it is that psycho Confederate Alex Jones and darrft auld prrrick crime boss David Icke are still best mates.

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