Monday, April 05, 2021


Alex Jones goes wild (again) about a document that he claims shows the blueprint for current events.

Although I would encourage you to watch the video at

I would also encourage you to note that Alex is notorious for blowing things up out of all proportion to make money. He is a multi-multi millionaire from claiming the wildest things. A good disinformation operation is about 95% truth and 5% bullshit. Alex's 5% bullshit was his lies about the Confederacy and the cause of the U S Civil War. But because of Trump and Alex selling out over 9/11 Infowars is now 90% truth and 10% bullshit, or maybe 85% to 15%.

But what Alex and crew try to prove is what I expect is going on: 

  1. there is a massive depopulation agenda behind the virus and the vaccines which will kill and/or sterilise and or produce physical and/or mental disabilities;
  2. there is also a massive profit agenda in which governments continually buy billions of vaccines which were only authorised for EMERGENCY use;
  3. there is also a control agenda in which you must obey the government or you will be treated like a leper, and if you continue to disobey then you will be taken to a re-education camp, or exectuted.

I suspect this is possible because of my research over the last 2 decades, during which I think I came to understand the power structure and the pure evil of who is trying to impose this agenda. They engineered, kicked off and profited from World War 1. Ditto World War 2. Ditto 9/11 and the subsequent wars. They run paedophile networks, for blackmail and their own pleasure.

And now that we have been able to produce for them a system that can give them total control of this planet they are going to cull human population. The Georgia Guidestones suggest down to a half billion people at most. 

And on Alex's profit motive: watch what happens at 48:00

And recall that Alex's ex-wife Kelly claims that he didn't even buy their daughter birthday and Christmas presents and gave their daughter's cat, called Smokey, away without asking her.

That's the persona of Alex. 

You decide if he is telling the truth. Or sensationalising for money.

Despite Infowars being a bona fide U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset, there is possibly some truth to the above.

I still warn to not take a 'vaccine' because there is a definite 3-point agenda, as stated above.

We don't need reptiles or sensationalism for profit.



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