Monday, June 19, 2023


It all started in February 2014 when NATO ran a coup in Ukraine, shooting dead dozens in Maidan Square and blaming it on pro-Russia forces. This provoked a coup in which NATO installed their guy and a load of Nazis who then launched a de facto civil war on the pro-Russia east Ukraine. During the fighting MH17 was shot down.

The fighting ended with the Minsk I accords. That failed. The subsequent fighting ended with the Minsk II accords.

Zelensky came to power promising Ukraine he would end the civil war and implement Minsk II.

But Zelensky reneged on that promised and instead began to talk of ethnically cleansing east Ukraine of all Russians, banning Russia as a language, etc.

Now we find that in March 2020 there was a draft peace treaty signed by Ukraine and Russia, but someone called Boris Johnson torpedoed peace.


Johnson and NATO have brought nuclear war much, much closer now that Russian nukes are in Belarus.


It all started in February 2014 when NATO ran a bloody coup.

See : Putin Shows African Leaders Draft Treaty on Ukrainian Neutrality from March 2022

See : Will upcoming NATO summit launch forever war in Europe?


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