Sunday, July 30, 2023


Russia is in Syria at the invitation of President Assad.

But why is the USA in Syria?

The USA-UK-NATO-Israel axis-of-evil unleashed cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, as they had done to Libya. This an extension of The Redirection exposed by Seymour Hersh in 2007. The cutthroat Jihadis were then called 'freedom fighters'. Then the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) those 'freedom fighters' was cited as the reason to bomb Libya and kill Gaddafi, and similarly to bomb Syria and kill Assad.

But it didn't work out in Syria.

So the USA is still there in Syria, having been requested to leave many times.

And the wars on Iraq, Libya and Syria are part of a series of wars planned well before 9/11. Paul Wolfowitz exposed this to General Wesley Clark. Wolfowitz called them Soviet client states, using cold war rhetoric.

But I ask, why is the USA in Syria?, because Syria is another potential flashpoint for conflict between the USA and Russia, in addition to Ukraine.

You could ask, why is Russia in Ukraine?

Well, NATO manipulated Zelensky into power, and then ordered him to continue the war on Russians in east Ukraine, which was something he promised Ukraine he would end. Zelensky then demanded the ethnic cleansing of Russians from east Ukraine. So Russia went in on a R2P mission to save Russians in east Ukraine and force Zelensky to implement Minsk II Accords. And the Minsk II Accords were designed to bring peace to Ukraine after NATO ran the Maidan Massacre in 2014 and installed a neo-Nazi junta which started war on east Ukraine.

So you see the difference?

The USA unleashed cutthroat Jihadis onto Libya then Syria, called them 'freedom fighters', then cited R2P to protect their 'freedom fighters' as the excuse to get Gaddafi, and Assad who invited Russia into Syria to bomb the cutthroat Jihadis/'freedom fighters'.

And Russia invaded Ukraine because a NATO puppet was reneging on promises to stop bombing Russians in east Ukraine, and had demanded the ethnic cleansing of Russians from east Ukraine.

But, and it's a big but, the invasion of Ukraine does appear to slot nicely into the Great Reset agenda.

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