Wednesday, November 22, 2023


Israel helped to assassinate President John F Kennedy.

At least 3 factions killed kennedy: extreme right U S intels; the mob; and Israel.

Oliver Stone's film JFK exposes the first 2 but not Israel.


Because the Executive Producer was Arnon Milchan who confessed to being Israel's top nuclear spy in the USA.

So what?

Well, JFK seriously opposed Israel's nuclear program. JFK was very suspicious of everything that Israel did. And as Israel was the West's asset in the Cold War, and was being hampered by JFK, who had also become friendly with the Soviets, and had betrayed The Bay of Pigs operation and more, the intel/mob/Zionists decided he had to go.

JFK was immediately replaced by Lyndon Baines Johnson who gave Israel everything they wanted.

So, no. A lone gunman did not shoot JFK with a crap rifle with impossible shots.

Kennedy was killed in a military-style ambush consisting of several teams of highly trained assassins.

The lone gunman blamed for the shooting, Lee Harvey Oswald, was later killed by a Jewish mobster called Jack Ruby (Jacob Rubenstein) who stated that he did it "for the Jews".


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