Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Didn't like them until very late 1990s, and even then that was for just a few songs.

When they broke around 1993 The Stone Roses had collapsed. The record companies and the intel/drug dealers needed a replacement quickly. And that replacement were the drug-promoting Mancs, Oasis managed by massive drug-taker Alan McGee. They may well have fuelled intel black ops by promoting the huge consumption of illegal narcotics, a scene run by the CIA/MI6/Mossad. Maybe their lifestyle helped to finance 9/11 in some way? Who knows.

But until either Noel or Liam comment on The Gaza Strip they will forever be frauds to me, all about the money. How much will they make from this reunion? Noel flirted with the morbidly obese flop David Icke briefly, but what happened to Icke? He was abandoned by his spirit guides in 2020 to allow the roll-out of the killer vaccines, and bring us closer and closer to a nuclear WW3.

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