Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Tommy absolutely loves Israel.

That's why he will say sweet FA against IDF rape gangs, but will expose Muslim rape gangs.

To me, rape is rape. All forms of rape MUST be opposed and condemned.

But to Tommy, IDF rape gangs are juuuuuuust fine.

But back to the accusation of treason.

The founding families of Tommy's beloved Israel financed WW1 through The Federal Reserve. But not only that, those same families kept WW1 going for 2 unnecessary years. And here's the background to this.

The British tried to drag the United States into the war on their side by allowing German U-boats to sink The Lusitania in 1915, expecting the outrage to provoke Americans into demanding that the USA join with Great Britain against Germany. But despite some outrage, The United States did not join the war. So in 1916, Germany had literally played a blinder, fighting The British Empire on Germany's Western Front, while simultaneously fighting Russia on Germany's Eastern Front. Germany had brought the war to a stalemate. In a very desperate attempt to break the deadlock the British launched a campaign at The Somme. It was a disaster. So the British were forced to reluctantly enter secret peace talks with Germany in late 1916 which were to be mediated by Woodrow Wilson, the then POTUS.

When the Zionists heard of these peace talks they approached the British and told them that the Zionists could get the USA into the war on the side of the British, but in return the Zionists wanted Palestine as a homeland for the Jews.

The British agreed.

The peace talks were sabotaged by Wilson, who was a puppet of Wall Street giant, JP Morgan, who in turn was a puppet of the Rothschilds.

The USA joined the war in April 1917. After leaving it 6 months to see if the USA had any effect against Germany, the British issued The Balfour Declaration in November 1917 which essentially gave Palestine to the Jews, even though at the time Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire who were allies of Germany.

Thus, the war continued for 2 unnecessary years, just so the Jews could be given Palestine (as if making an absolute fortune from financing the war wasn't enough!)

But it gets even worse for poor deluded Tommy.

The Zionists helped to create, fnance and even protect the Nazis! The Zionists even collaborated with the Nazis: the Nazis wanted Jews out of Germany; the Zionists wanted those German Jews in Palestine.

And after WW2 it was Jewish terrorists who blew up dozens of British military personnel at The King David Hotel, after the British had fought and died to liberate Jews from concentration camps built and run by the Nazis who the Zionists had helped to create and protect and collaborated with.

And yet, Tommy loves these Zionists and the nation they built through terrorism and betrayal.

So, is Tommy Robinson a traitor when he wraps himself in the flag of Israel, and allows flags of Israel to be flown at his events?


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