Tuesday, August 20, 2024


Either Icke has spirit guides or he doesn't.

Remember what he wrote about his first experiences with the spirit world: he felt a presence in the room, and a feeling of a spider web on his face.

Did Icke experience this in 2020?

If so, did he try to contact the spirit world through a reputable spiritual medium?

If he experienced this and did NOT contact the spirit world, then why not?

Has Icke or his arrogant sons tried to contact the spirit world to find out what went wrong in 2020?

But we do have the right to ask Icke why his spirit guides (if they exist in the spirit world) allowed him to incorrectly claim that 5G was the cause of the excess deaths in that terrible year, when The Daily Mail nailed Midazolam in July 2020. Icke didn't formally blame Midazolam until December 2021, and even then he claimed that he was the 1st to blame Midazolam!! 

We also have the right to demand answers from Icke on this. Particularly me because I donated £1000 to him in 2006/7, and in return was mocked by his AWOL son Garth when my sister's house was professionally burgled for some scientific work of mine.


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