Tuesday, August 08, 2006


It's simple stoo-pid.

All one has to do is trace the development of the refugee camps, the largest in the world, in the Gaza Strip and The West Bank.

In 1944, were these camps there?
Were they occupied by willing indigenous Palestinians who preferred to live in squalor and deprivation rather than tending their farms and plantations?

At first the terrorist founding fathers claimed that the surrounding Arab nations told the Palestinians to run for their lives from the invading Israelis after WW2 and the holocaust was used as emotional blackmail to ship hundreds and thousands of Jewish survivors into Palestine. This claim has now been proved 100% false. What can now be proved beyond doubt is that the terrorist founding fathers of Israel drove the Palestinians from their land and have kept it ever since, not giving a damn about what happened to the previous and legal owners of the land, except when they organize a resistance which is then brutally put down, even with Israel invading neighbouring nations to destroy it, as in Lebanon in 1978, which eventually led to the creation of a possibly more dangerous enemy, Hizb Allah.

Hitler referred to this desire for 'lebensraum' as the reason for his expanding his influence across Europe.

You may think from this use of the same tactic that there was some collaboration between Hitler and the Zionist leaders. If so, you would be correct. There was a transfer agreement between the Zionists, Nazi Germany and the British (for they were awarded control of that area). However, the opportunity to safely transfer to Palestine was not taken up by German Jews. Most stayed in Germany, while some saw what was coming and fled.

But after the Holocaust...

The Zionist leaders were perfectly prepared for the deaths in their millions of the weak, the sick and the elderly to found Israel. David Ben Gurion, the Prime Minister of the terrorist state of Israel for nearly 15 years in total, said this;

"If I knew that it would be possible to save all the children in Germany by bringing them over to England and only half of them by transporting them to Eretz Israel, then I opt for the second alternative."

This is the mentality that created and still controls Israel. If their leaders are prepared to sacrifice half of their children how much care and attention will they show to those they are fighting?

There is an argument that most Jews, particularly from Russia and Eastern Europe, such as Ben-Gurion, are from the tribe called the Khazars, a brutal, warmongering people who converted to Judaism in the 8th century to save themselves and subsequently moved into Eastern Europe and Russia. This would explain the mentality of Ben-Gurion and other Israeli leaders.

I have no quarrel with most Jews. They have been used as pawns in a great game. True Judaism has been usurped by the Khazars who are the driving force of Zionism.

It is the Zionists, Jewish or not, who pushed Hitler into what happened in WW2. They could have paid a ransom requested by Hitler and saved thousands of Jews, for they control the banks which create money out of nothing through a system called fractional reserve banking. They could have also founded a homeland outside of Palestine, as suggested by the British Parliament, and saved thousands of Jews. They also could have urged FDR and Churchill to agree to a proposition from Admiral Canaris for him to trick Hitler into flying into the custody of the Allies. Instead the Zionists allowed 6 million of their bretheren to die. After that, the skeletal survivors were used as emotional blackmail to grab Palestine and drive the indigenous Palestinians into refugee camps.

And ever since Israel has been the parasite sucking bloodmoney out of the USA.

This is why it is easy not to love and adore Israel, a parasitic state created by terrorism.

Wake up Israeli true Jews and smell the made-in-the-good-ol'-USofA DU!

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