Monday, December 07, 2009


I ask this question of all the bozos involved in the publication of the editorial that is apparently in 56 newspapers around the world in 20 languages.

The man pushing this green genocide that you believe in, our very own racist and genocidal Prince Phillip, has stated that after his death he wants to come back as a virus to reduce population.

Climategate showed the deletion, manipulation and sexing up of data to "prove" AGW.

Al Gore, Phil's mate, who presented the fraudulent An Convenient Truth, is running away from everyone and everything after climategate.

The UNEP Biodiversity Assessment of 1996 explicitly stated that in its view 1 billion people is the ideal population of this earth. Find out who financed that.

The IPCC that is pushing this green bullshit is part of that very same programme.

The Club of Rome has publicly stated that it is using threats to the environment merely as an excuse to establish a world government.

A founder and member of the Club of Rome, David Rockefeller, has publicly and explicitly stated that he is willingly and happily working towards a world government that he and his associates would control.

His family founded the UN HQ.

His family founded the League of Nation HQ.

His family are intimately connected to the Nazis, with their Standard Oil apparatus having merged with I G Farben, building Auschwitz, and financing several Nazi racial hygiene studies, including Josef Mengele at Auschwitz.

He also engineered the current financial crisis at Bilderberg from which his Bilderberg buddies have all profited handsomely at your expense after we in the UK bailed the system that they control with £40k per family.

All these people want you dead.

They want your little old granny dead.

They want your unborn children dead through abortion on demand or if tests reveal there is a 'possibility' that it has the slightest abnormality.

They want your current children dead.

They want you dead.

So will you kill yourself?

No I didn't think you would kill yourself to save the planet you apparently worship so much. Just like those in Copenhagen who arrived there by aeroplane and limousine; you want us to die, to kill ourselves on the altar of Mother Earth, for her and more importantly, for you.

Well, FUCK YOU!!

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