Wednesday, October 05, 2011


I watched the Cleggeron give his speech to The Conservative Conference this afternoon. It cracked a few jokes, the funniest of which was one regarding health and safety
Britannia didn't rule the waves with her armbands on

The audience laughed. And so did I, at first. But then I remembered what The British Empire has actually stood for since the satanic Venetians covertly invaded this Isle after the League of Cambrai.

This Disunited Fascist Kingdom has a bloody, tyrannical history.

We ruled our colonies with the bayonet and the musket, with hangings and floggings for the most trivial of crimes. We massacred civilians by their hundreds or thousands at a time. We were the greatest slave trading nation on Earth. We had Impressment to force many broken men into the Navy to control trade routes.

Today we rule the world not by physical control of trade routes but by the sordid Venetian Freemasonry and the shadow banking system based in The City of London.

And still there are some with dreams of empire.

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