Wednesday, October 05, 2011


During these last few weeks in this Disunited Fascist Kingdom (DFK) we have seen the conference season which ends this week with the Conservative Party conference. Today the Cleggeron will show its Cameron head and repeat what the Clegg head said a few weeks ago; that we, the muggins British taxpayer, must suffer varying degrees of austerity to pay the debts of the gambling Nazi banks while no banker goes to jail for trashing the economy.

In August this year we saw riots in several cities across this DFK. Those involved in the riots who were arrested and charged were given very very harsh and disproportionate sentences.

So how can this be right? That a banker who completely wrecks the economy of this DFK, causing unemployment, homelessness and deaths of the old and sick, are not penalised, while alleged looter Anderson Fernandes who steals one ice cream gets locked up for over a year?

The answer lies in fascism.

This Disunited Fascist Kingdom is indeed fascist.

The state does not work for us. Instead the state works for a cabal of warmongering megalomaniacs who control the reins of government through the control of money supply.
Give me control of a nation's currency and I care not who makes the laws.

This or something very much like it was said by one of 'em, and it shows the complete contempt for the welfare of the nation. This has most recently manifested itself through their naked abuse of the power to create money out of thin air to create trillions based on our, repeat our savings etc, which was then loaned out to people who could never repay it. But we still bailed them out!

So while they bask in the sunshine on their yachts on the Mediterranean we join the back of the dole queue looking for a job paying poverty wages hoping the NHS doesn't kill our old and sick family and friends in hospital.

This is coming. It is visible now, but not yet here.

We are like the citizens of Leningrad in 1941. We know the Nazis are coming. We cannot yet see the full horrific results of their warfare against us but we know it is coming.

This warfare was caused by bankers and politicans who smile, who wear nice suits and don't wear swastikas.

But just because they smile and wear nice suits and don't wear swastikas doesn't mean they aren't Nazis.

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