Friday, April 06, 2012


It looks like the war on Iran has been postponed, for now.
The latest Stratfor Naval Update map suggests that reports speculating a potential Israeli attack on Iran has been delayed until next year are accurate. With the U.S. having positioned numerous aircraft carriers and other warships in the Persian Gulf, it now appears at least some of them are departing.

[source : U.S. Aircraft Carriers Departing Persian Gulf?, InfoWars,, 06/04/2012]

Reports suggest it is because Nutternyahu now wants to wait until next year to play the big war leader during the 2013 election process, and that his recent "attack Iran" rhetoric was designed to manipulate the USA into providing Israel with more money and weapons, which if the case worked (though if any other country tried that...).

I would suggest this possible postponement of war on Iran is due to Syria not yet submitting to the Friends of Syrian Terrorists and holding up the seven-nations-in-five-years plan revealed to and by General Wesley Clark (which itself was an extension of the plans proposed in A Clean Break and Rebuilding America's Defenses).

Despite EIR/LPAC sources saying that Israel had been given the green light by Obama and Cameron to attack Iran after meetings in Washington DC a few weeks ago, that war has not materialised. Maybe the three stooges thought that by now Syria would have fallen, leaving a wide-open unobstructed path to Persia.

Instead, Syria stands proud and sovereign.

But now EIR/LPAC sources are saying that after the recent meeting of The Friends of Syrian Terrorists in Istanbul, Turkey has been conned into starting a war on Syria by creating a humanitarian corridor on the Syrian side of the border between the two neighbours. This would require an invasion of Syria by NATO-member Turkey.
The British are trying to make their "Friends of Syria" gathering April 1 in Istanbul, another "coalition of the willing," into an illegal substitute for the UNSC, to fake the "legality" for war which only the Security Council could provide. The source report in yesterday's briefing, that a Turkish "humanitarian invasion" of Syria is being prepared under the screen of Tony Blair's doctrine of the "responsiblity to protect," R2P, was echoed by an article in the April 4 Wall Street Journal. It reports that the Turkish military is preparing plans for "refugee safe havens" on both sides of the border — whose feigned establishment would in reality only be a pretext for launching immediate war.

[source : London Prepares Option of Turkish "Humanitarian Invasion" of Syria, LPAC,, 06/04/2012]

So, as Gaddafi held them up for nearly a year, Assad has held them up for well over a year.

If Turkey is insane enough to fall into this trap, and Syria resists, then Syria will be accused of violating the humanitarian assistance point in the Kofi Annan "six" point peace plan. Then NATO can invoke Article 5 of its treaty, that when one member is attacked then the other members are obliged to join in to defend.

Whatever. It does not matter. Annan's plan was doomed to fail. Syria, nor anyone else, will be allowed to stand up to these devils and survive. They have planned world domination, resulting in a global fascist dictatorship and drastic human population reduction and eugenics.

More tea, Vicar? Custard cream?

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