Thursday, April 19, 2012


Simon Tisdall at The Guardian is at it again.

Just a few days ago he was proposing R2PAQ in Syria, citing an OpEd in The Bilderberg Post.

Today he proposed R2P, but in Sudan!

The last Sudan war cost an estimated 2 million lives. The next one, if it is allowed to happen, may make Syria look modest by comparison. Unless the international community wakes up to the danger, the dream of two Sudans living harmoniously side by side could be lost for another generation.

[source : The international community must wake up to looming Sudan disaster, The Guardian,, 19/04/2012]

And to explain the title of this blog, Tisdall writes of North and South Sudan,
Both countries say they remain committed to peace. Neither can afford another conflict. But in Mbeki's words, they are trapped in the "logic of war".

But there is some logic to the wars we have seen since 9/11.

Because both Syria and Sudan are on that list of seven nations to be targeted for war in five years that was given to General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11. The other six nations on that list have either seen war (Iraq, Lebanon, Libya), or attempts are currently being made to start war (Syria, Iran, Somalia).

Is Tisdall just a useful idiot? Or something more?

I don't know. But we shall have to keep a very watchful eye on his writings.

NB Tisdall's comments have not been deleted. Mine were.

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