Friday, April 13, 2012


The New World Order have failed.

In fact, they failed five years ago.

The plan, as given to General Wesley Clark was for war on seven nations in five years, but only after 9/11. Clark was given this list around Christmas 2001, by which time Afghanistan had been invaded, but only as a token.

Focus on Iraq, the first of the seven, started in 2002, say March 2002. Five years later would be March 2007. It was about then that the financial crisis really started to rock and roll.

Assuming that war on Iran was going to be the last war of the seven, which even then would have dragged Russia and China in, then by late 2007 to early 2008 the big crash should have occured at the same time as the big war on Iran.

This would have caused chaos all over the world.

But it didn't happen.

There were attempts and suggestions to get the war on Iran going; dangling British Marines in disputed waters, stealing a nuke or two from Barksdale AF Base, dressing up a US Navy boat as Iranian and have it go on a suicide mission in the Persian Gulf, etc. I'm wondering if the incident regarding South Ossetia and Georgia in 2008 was a desperate attempt to get a large war going. It would explain the apparent randomness and shear lunacy of The Tie Muncher of Tblisi bombing villagers in their beds as they slept.

Everything since then has been floundering from one catastrophe to another, as if they were making it all up on the hoof, which would also explain the apparent insanity of the NWO.

And now Syria still stands proud and sovereign despite the NWO trying every dirty trick in the book.

Add to this a load of infiltrators into the NWO, people betraying the NWO, and an ever increasing rising awareness of the horrors that have been, and were intended to be, committed against the sovereign people of this potentially peaceful beautiful planet, then I think we can give the NWO a big red F!

Time to put on those tiger feet...

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