Saturday, July 07, 2012


We asked 100 people, do you think editorials of The Guardian are honest and accurate?

Our survey said...

If today's editorial in The Guardian is anything to go by the answer to the above question should be Ur-Ur.

Take this for example.
At its core the Syrian revolt, heavily sectarianised though it has become, is about a people rising up against a deeply entrenched tyranny.
[source : Syria: a long, hard slog, The Guardian,, 07/07/2012]

No it is not. It is about a bunch of Zionazi thugs with delusions of grandeur executing the mother of all inside jobs 9/11 to trick the dumbed-down American public to go on a global warmongering rampage in order to, according to Paul Wolfowitz, clean up all those old Soviet client regimes; Iraq, Iran, Syria. But when it somehow stalled in Iraq a Faustian pact was made between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia to unleash Sunni terrorists onto Libya and Syria and then Iran, and then claim R2P to start war. It happened in Libya last year. Several attempts have been made in Syria, and more will follow. And if Assad goes then Iran is next.

But I think there may be a plan above this, and that is to drag Russia and China into a major war with the USA over Israel. That 10 years after 9/11 wars are still going on around Israel and involving Israel's enemies should tell you something abouth 9/11. And that something was said years ago by Francesco Cossiga, who is quoted roughly as saying,
"[Bin Laden supposedly confessed] to the Qaeda September [attack] to the two towers in New York [claiming to be] the author of the attack of the 11, while all the [intelligence services] of America and Europe ... now know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the CIA American and the Mossad with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic Countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part ... in Iraq [and] Afghanistan."
[source : Ex-Italian President: Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job, Prison Planet,, 04/12/2007]

Before 9/11 a bunch of Zionazis wrote A Clean Break proposing action on Iraq and Iran, as well as Lebanon and Syria. A few years later another bunch of Zionazis intersecting with the gang who wrote A Clean Break wrote Rebuilding America's Defenses, naming Iraq and Iran as threats to the USA.

Assad had the NATO bandits under control, but Annan was brought in to put all the onus on Assad to stop fighting and withdraw while at the same time NATO, with some Arab League states, trained, armed and financed the SYrian rebs and more and more al Qaeda sneaked into Syria to slit the throats and cut the heads off Assad supporters.

That is the true situation in Syria.

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