Thursday, May 23, 2013


The NATO media in the UK are milking the attack on the soldier in Woolwich yesterday for all its worth, and could indicate that the attack was known about and allowed to happen. The actions of Cameron in particular should raise some suspicion. He was in Paris yesterday, gave a brief press conference about terrorism to play the hard man (when he is supporting terrorism against Assad), and then rushed back to the DFK like a superhero to chair a COBRA meeting to save the nation.

Cameron has been under attack from his own party in the last month, with serious talk about replacing him. One possible replacement is Boris Johnson. A few days ago a ban on the media reporting news on Johnson's love child was lifted, at a very opportune time for Cameron (if you know what I mean). The rise of UKIP, gay marriage and Europe are driving this concern for Cameron's leadership. His Tory credentials are being seriously questioned.

But what this Woolwich event shows is the shear hypocrisy of NATO media. I have been listening to BBC Radio 5 Live this morning, like I do most mornings, and the lead headline was that the deceased was a serving soldier. The attack is the topic of Nicky Campbell's debate show Your Call. Campbell has been reporting live from the location of the attack all morning. How morbid, grisly and gruesome is that?

But this kind of attack is now an everyday occurence in Syria. If it is not beheadings, it is summary executions. The executioners are NATO proxy cutthroat Jihadi terrorist scum, unleashed onto Syria as part of a plan for war on seven nation in five years that was revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after the inside Ziojob 9/11. NATO media barely mentions this evil because the Jihadis need good PR so that they can be given arms and money by the USA, DFK, France, Qatar and Saudi Arabia to terrorise the Syrian people.

So can this attack be blamed on Israel? Israel, with Saudi Arabia, a Ziofaction in the USA and elements of the DFK, executed 9/11. We created Islamic extremism, allegedly encouraging Wahhabi to form his extreme version of Islam centuries ago, but definitely creating al Qaeda to kick the USSR out of Afghanistan. London was/is known as Londonistan and was the HQ for many Islamic extremist organisations.

So possible motives for allowing this attack to happen (if known about beforehand) are:
1. to save Cameron from being replaced
2. to get involved in Africa somewhere, such as Nigeria, Sudan or Somalia
3. to stay in Afghanistan or boost presence there
4. I heard Lord Carlisle this morning mention a bill on even more surveillance powers for the police and intelligence was replaced by something else in the most recent Queen's speech due to UKIP success, so maybe that will now be brought forward and made law.

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