Sunday, July 14, 2013


Webster Tarpley's political analysis of current affairs is right on target...AGAIN!

Terrorist Fratricide: “Free Syrian Army” Battles “Islamic Emirate of Iraq and Levant”; US Congress Must Deny Funding to Syrian Rebellion

When was he last on InfoWars? And why has it been so long? Is it because of his unbound hatred of Rockefeller-pushed Austrian Economics, belief in which appears to be a prerequisite for InfoWars employees?

In Tarpley's latest World Crisis Radio he explains:
1. the reason Morsi was ousted in a coup by the Egyptian military
2. that the Syrian rebels are facing imminent defeat and they know it, hence them turning on each other, and that Obama is not doing that much about it and Congress is helping him
3. that the defence team for Bradley Manning states that everything that Manning revealed was already in the public domain, backing up Tarpley's suggestion that Assange is a fake
4. that Snowden is a wrecker, and Tarpley also questions the true purpose of Sarah Harrison, Assange's legal counsel (even though she has no legal training whatsoever) and former girlfriend. Harrison flew to Snowden's side. I too have my suspicions about her.

I am convinced Assange is a fake, that he, as Tarpley suggests, was unleashed onto a gullible public, who were desperately seeking a hero and saviour to worship, and distribute stuff we already knew, but to also release propaganda against particular people and nations, such as Putin and Russia. We have heard nothing from Assange or Snowden (who claims he had access to the deepest secrets of American intel after just a few years of training on computers) on 9/11, JFK, drugs, death squads, etc. Nothing.

Although Tarpley's political analysis is on target, I have minor quarrels with one or two comments.

The first is the jibe at UFOs. We live in a vast universe. I think David Icke's thesis that the moon may be a base of some kind has some validity, particularly when you see video footage of spacecraft around the moon. Our moon is an anomaly, with one side, the dark side of the moon, facing away from us constantly. If the moon was a base this would be ideal for access into and out of the moon. Doctored photographs also suggest a cover up of something. And once you entertain this possibility then it opens up a vast list of possibilities, such as the genetic engineering of the human race or some elements of it to remove empathy. And why has the USA never been back to the moon? I think it was last week, maybe the week before, Tarpley had a dig at someone for believing that there was a treaty between humans and ETs and he questioned, with a quiet laugh, how such a treaty could have been negotiated.

The second is the existence of underground civilisations. Underground bases for research? Yes. Underground civilisations, in the sense of a kind of Dr Strangelove mineshaft gap? Possibly. But civilisations derived from ancient tribes? No.

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