Saturday, November 23, 2013


Just two weeks ago we remembered.

We remembered all those who fought and died in the many wars this nation has fought in, but mainly World Wars 1 and 2. Out of those two engineered wars came declarations of rights, mainly the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Oh, our ancestors who fought and died in those wars must be turning in their graves. Were their deaths in vain?

Yesterday it was reported that, despite its gross violations of human rights, The Foreign Affairs Committee thinks that we should continue to sell weapons to Saudi Arabia.

There are accusations that the al Yamamah deal financed 9/11 and other terrorist attacks, which would explain why all attempts to investigate that dodgy deal have been torpedoed.

Saudi Arabia is also financing and arming the cutthroat Jihadis as they decapitate their bloody grisly way through Syria, which at the moment looks like a one way ticket to an early death at the hands of the Syrian Arab Army.

It really is all a complete farce, a sham, a load of bollocks. Almost as funny as Carry On Screaming.

The message from The Marsten House to the cutthroat Jihadis is, Carry On Decapitating, because the British government is going to do fuck all about the terrorism coming out of Saudi Arabia. Do nothing, say nothing and pretend to know nothing.

As long as Saudi Arabia is helping to cut the throats of Syrian children, that's OK, is it?

The report recognises that Saudi Arabia’s role as a key buyer for the UK defence industry is controversial. But it finds that, with other competitors in the market, there is little to suggest that ending defence sales from the UK would have any positive effect, and might actually reduce the UK’s leverage and its ability to provide training programmes.

[source : UK must better explain its approach to relations with Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, The Marsten House,, 22nd November 2013]

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