Wednesday, January 15, 2014


9/11 was an inside job. Ain't no doubt about that. As soon as I heard that a plane had hit the WTC I knew something was fishy. By the end of the day, after watching all those controlled demolitions, I knew it was an inside job. No way could 4 hijacked passenger planes fly around the most protected airspace in the world for nearly 2 hours without any response from what is considered to be the world's most powerful military without someone sending the military to sleep. One of the greatest indicators of an inside job was the response, or lack thereof, from Andrews Air Force Base. Just 11 miles from central Washington DC, and tasked with a mission to protect DC, a fighter wasn't scrambled from there until it was too late.

But somehow those hijacked planes, like bin Laden, managed to evade the world's most powerful military on its own turf and fly into not only the WTC, but also The Pentagon! The HQ of the US Military!

General Wesley Clark was told of a plan for war on seven nations in five years. Four of those nations, Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon, had been named in a Zionist warmongering document called A Clean Break, and 2 of those, Iraq and Iran, had been singled out in PNAC's Rebuilding America's Defenses. The other three were Libya, Sudan and Somalia.

So The United States of Warmerica went to war.

There was a quick detour into Afghanistan for a war to kick out the Taliban who had destroyed opium farming.

So with the opium harvest restored, the Ziowars began.

First up, Iraq in 2003.

Second, Lebanon in 2006.

Third, Libya in 2011.

There was a desperate attempt to trick the world into attacking Syria in August last year, but that failed.

And there now appears to be some kind of peace: Syria has relinquished its stockpile of chemical weapons and a peace conference is due to occur very soon; Iran and the P5+1 also seem to have reached a deal of some kind over Iran's peaceful civilian nuclear power program.

The response from the Zios has been outrage. They, via The Emergency Committee for Israel, a derivative of PNAC, released a video attacking Obama as incompetent.

In an interview with Press TV, Dr Kevin Barrett has lamented the latest funding plan for The Pentagon.
Dr. Barrett made the comments as a report indicates that Israel and the Pentagon are the “winners” of a bipartisan $1.1 trillion spending bill unveiled in Congress on Monday night.

The bill provides about $497 billion for the Pentagon in 2014 — about the same as in 2013. In addition, it allocates $85.2 billion for the war in Afghanistan as part of the Pentagon’s overseas contingency operations (OCO), $5 billion more than requested.

The massive spending measure also authorizes $173 million in added funding for Israel’s missile systems, including nearly $34 million to improve the Arrow weapon system and $117.2 million for development of the David's Sling short-range ballistic missile system and $22 million for an upper-tier interceptor.

“It’s really much worse than appears with this spending bill that is handing almost half a trillion dollars to the US military at a time when American taxpayers are tightening their belts,” Dr. Barrett noted.

[source : US military hijacked by Israel since 9/11: Dr. Barrett, Press TV,, 15th January 2014]

The United States of Warmerica has been at war for over 12 years now, since 9/11. The USW was supposed to have been a place of civilisation and great learning, where man lived in harmony with himself and with nature.

Something has gone seriously wrong.

Or has it?

Was all this warmongering built into the DNA of The United States of Warmerica?

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