Friday, January 31, 2014


It is undeniable that the ruling establishment of this Disunited Fascist Queendom engineered World War One in order to create a first attempt at world government, which took the form of The League of Nations. This involved the use of Freemasonry. While he was Grand Master of The United Grand Lodge of England, Prince Edward, later King Edward VII, engineered the alliances that would later isolate Germany in 1914. The assassins of Arch Duke Ferdinand were Freemasons who received the weapons for the assassination and encouragement from foreign Freemasons, in the knowledge that Freemasonry had condemned Ferdinand to death at least a year earlier. Ferdinand was also aware of this condemnation. The assassination kicked off a chain of events leading to war, which was assisted by King George V telling Kaiser Wilhelm II that Great Britain would not involve itself in any war while Sir Edward Grey did not make it explicitly clear what Britain's position was, and Rothschild cousin Bethmann-Hollweg assisted the rush to war by giving Austria-Hungary Germany's 'blank cheque' support. As soon as Germany invaded Belgium, Grey cited the 1839 Treaty of London as the casus belli, a treaty that Great Britain was not legally bound to enforce unilaterally. Thus, the ruling establishment of this Disunited Fascist Queendom engineered World War One. It was Sir Edward Grey who as early as 1915 first used the term The League of Nations to name the resulting world government.

This is still being covered up by organisations considered to be left-wing.

The assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand occured on 28th June 1914. Thus the 28th June 2014 is the centenary of the event that kicked off World War One.

In this centenary of World War One we have a unique opportunity to expose this warmongering. The people of this Disunited Fascist Queendom showed some unity last year, and against overwhelming demands for war on Syria managed for the first time in centuries to defeat a motion in The Marsten House for war.

Below this post should be two short posts with the titles FREEMASON PROTEST YES and FREEMASON PROTEST NO. You can vote by clicking on the link to the post on the right hand side or on the relevant link below.

So the question is : Would a protest outside Freemason's Hall on 28th June this year be worthwhile? Yes or No.

If Yes then click on the link YES.

If No the click on the link NO.

Please spread this post around. This year provides a unique opportunity to enlighten the mugged off people on the nature of our ruling establishment.

I believe that the people are ready. It's just how that information can be delivered most effectively.

So the question is : Would a protest outside Freemason's Hall on 28th June this year be worthwhile? Yes or No.

If Yes then click on the link YES.

If No the click on the link NO.

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