Monday, April 14, 2014


During a walk on Ilkley Moor today I came to the same very depressing conclusion as last week:
that the human race must be happy with everything that is going on in the world.

Happy with their ignorance.

Happy with the lies they are told.

Happy with bringing children into a world they have no idea about.

Happy with the wars their children may fight due to the lies they are told.

Happy with the wars they pay for due to the lies they are told.

Happy with the state spying on every little thing they do.

Happy with the poverty.

Happy with the austerity.

Happy with the fascism.

Happy. Happy. Happy.

Otherwise, why do they do the things they do instead of seeking out answers to their questions.

And if they don't have any questions as to why the world is such a shit hole then does this imply they are happy?

And otherwise why are they not out on the streets, occupying buildings, demanding change?

Eye-watering austerity to bail out fascist bankers. Intrusive state surveillance (which is far more intrusive and insidious than Snowden is being allowed to reveal). War on Syria via proxy cutthroat Jihadis with the full moral, political, financial and military support of the British government.

And all this in the centenary of World War 1.

Did our ancestors fight and die for this?

During a walk around a North England city last weekend I saw many happy people, many happy couples, many of whom were holding hands, and many of whom accompanied children. There was a very small group of people trying to focus the attention of these happy happy humans onto the plight of Palestine. 99.9% of the happy happy humans walked on by, without a care in the world. There may have been a few glances across to see what all the noise was about. I even heard a few tuts. But the happy happy humans just smiled, held hands, did their shopping, went home, had sex, went out for a few beers down the pub, went home again, perhaps had, or tried to have, sex again in their drunken stupor, then went to sleep.

But it's what they deserve, innit?

After at least 40 hours of brain-numbing soul-destroying drudgery?

Well, that's what they think.

But I wonder what would happen if sex was banned?

Riots. Anarchy. Police helicopters being shot out of the sky. Murder. Arson. Looting. Bloody mayhem.

And there's the rub.

99.9% of people care more about sex than the causes of world war and terrorism. And Palestine is right up there as a major cause of both. But 99.9% of the happy happy humans simply do not care.

And when they are told the causes of war and terrorism they don't want to know, and in some cases even ostracise you!

Perhaps we are just erotic animals.

And if we are then have we been, or are we being, genetically engineered that way, or in other ways? Perhaps electromagnetically? Chemically?

Or by suggesting this am I just making excuses up for heartless, selfish apathy?

Ben Chapman - Erotic Animals - Flesh Mix

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