Friday, April 04, 2014


In one corner stand truth, justice, freedom, a hunger to make this simulation into as much of a utopia as possible for the vast majority, and children's laughter.

In the other corner stand Bohemian Grove satanist weirdos who unleash al Qaeda cutthroats onto defenceless Syrian children and call them 'freedom fighters', and who want to control every aspect of your life and implement a tyrannical fascist global police state where you will be policed by autonomous robots, have very little if any influence over anything, including who you have children with (if they decide that you will have any), and inflict misery and pain and suffering to destroy what remains of human love, joy and creativity.

And if you think I'm just scaremongering, this is what is going on in Syria right now with the full moral, political, financial and military support of the British government.
[Click on photo for more sickening barbarism]

It was the ruling establishment of Great Britain and its tools such as Freemasonry who engineered World War 1.

It was the ruling establishment of Great Britain and its nest of Anglophile agents in the USA who created BOTH Nazi Germany and the USSR for World War 2.

It was the ruling establishment of Great Britain who created BOTH Israel and Saudi Arabia who are driving the horrific violence in the Middle East.

This Disunited Fascist Queendom is not an enchanted land of freedom and democracy.

It is a factory of Satanism in every form possible.

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