Wednesday, June 04, 2014


Speaking today after meeting the newly elected President of Ukraine, President Obama is quoted as saying:
"The Ukrainian people made a wise selection in someone to lead them though this period."




There was relative peace and calm 6 months ago in Ukraine. But in February a NATO-sponsored neo-Nazi coup took place in Ukraine. How can we say this?
1. Victoria Nuland has admitted that the USA has spent over $5 billion on regime change in Ukraine to bring it under the control of the IMF;
2. In an intercepted phone call, Victoria Nuland virtually handpicked the cabinet of the junta, including its leader, Arseny Yatseniuk, or Yats. Several members of the junta were members of neo-Nazi parties. And Yats runs a foundation called Open Ukraine Foundation which explicitly lists NATO as a partner!

So this is why we can call what happened in Ukraine in February a violent NATO-sponsored neo-Nazi coup.

Almost immediately East Ukraine protested, leading to Crimea voting to join Russia.

Supporters of the coup were that confident and full of themselves that in Odessa they chased anti-coup protesters into a building and burned them alive, shooting at those who dared to climb through windows to escape the flames, and of those who jumped, if they survived the jump they were beaten to death.

Since then other regions of East Ukraine have pushed for autonomy. These protests are being put down with fighter jets, tanks, artillery and snipers.

All this is summed up in one word : violence.

But something very similar has been happening in Syria for over 3 years, but the 'protesters' in Syria are actually cutthroat Jihadi al Qaeda-types sponsored by Saudi Arabia and armed by the USA.

Not everything that Obama does is wise. Not everything he touches turns to gold.

Not bombing Syria after human scum tried their tricks and lies? Wise.

Supporting a Wall Street/IMF coup of Ukraine, leading to the NATO-isation of Ukraine, and first strike missiles in Ukraine, thus provoking a major international conflict with Russia? Unwise.

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