Tuesday, June 17, 2014


In February this year there was a violent NATO sponsored neo Nazi coup in Ukraine. You might not know it from reading the NATO media. Take Luke Harding in the flagship NATO media outlet The Guardian. Harding described the events in Ukraine as a romantic uprising of downtrodden Ukrainian peasants being persecuted by a Russophile tyranny.

Ignoring Russia's attempts to stem the rise of NATO-supported Saudi-sponsored medieval Jihadi barbarism for the moment, let's just look at events in Ukraine.

The legitimately elected government in Ukraine was indeed Russophile, but in no way was it a tyranny. When the protests in the Maidan began, were they brutally put down? No. In fact the protests were allowed to grow to be eventually hijacked by a hard core of neo Nazis. It was only when the neo Nazis appeared in force that any kind of action by the police occured.

So what caused the neo Nazis to appear on the scene in force?

It was only when Yanukovich decided to reject an offer from the EU/IMF/Wall Street crowd and turn to Russia for a much better deal that the real neo Nazi violence began. The neo Nazis battered policemen. Snipers shooting from buildings that the neo Nazis occupied killed BOTH protestors and police. The NATO media accused the police of the lethal sniping. But the killings sent the protestors into a frenzy, leading to government buildings being torched or occupied, and the legitimately-elected government being chased away.

In the ensuing chaos the neo Nazis formed a new government underneath Yats, who was handpicked by Victoria Nuland, the wife of PNAC founder Robert Kagan, and who also runs a Wall Street-linked foundation, Open Ukraine, which explicitly lists NATO as a partner. Nuland is also on record admitting that the USA has spent 5 billion dollars on regime change in Ukraine.

Now, if that is not a violent NATO-sponsored neo Nazi coup, then what is?

The East of Ukraine recognised the neo Nazism and began to protest. Crimea swiftly voted for independence to join Russia. Other regions of East Ukraine are being denied this, being brutally put down with fighter jets, tanks, artillery and snipers. Events really started to turn nasty last week when the Ukraine military was accused of using phosphorous. A few days later a Ukraine military transport plane was shot down, killing 49. However 2 months ago neo Nazis chased anti-putsch protestors into a building and burned them alive, also shooting at those standing in windows trying to escape the smoke and flames, and beating to death those who jumped from 2nd and 3rd floor windows to escape being burned alive.

And on Saturday the Russian Embassy in Ukraine was attacked, with Nazi swastikas painted on cars and on the surrounding fence. The NATO media did not publish any photos of the Swastikas, which reveals their agenda, and even perhaps their shame at supporting such thugs.

Yesterday Gazprom stopped supplying gas to Ukraine, offering to only deliver gas after pre-payment. This was due to an unpaid debt of over $4 billion. There have been weeks of negotiating. Russia wanted half the debt paid by yesterday, but didn't receive anything. The Ukraine neo Nazis demanded even more of a huge discount, which is already one of the largest given to anyone.

And under a previous Russophobe government in Ukraine, gas destined for Europe was siphoned off.

So, what would you do if neo Nazis owed you $4 billion?

NATO media is, of course, portraying this action as Russia being mean, spiteful and horrible.

Meanwhile, the same NATO media is portraying the neo Nazis, who worship Hitler and Nazi collaborators, and who seized power in Ukraine in a violent NATO-sponsored neo Nazi coup, as the victims of evil Russian aggression.


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