Thursday, August 14, 2014


In June 2013 two of the NATO establishment newspapers, The Washington Post and The Guardian, began to publish a series of 'leaks' by a former employee of the NSA, Ed Snowden.

The Washington Post is the megaphone of Bilderberg.

The Guardian is a key and integral member of the NATO media, pushing the pro-Israel, anti-Russia propaganda dressed as R2P, using writers such as Owen Jones and Seamus Milne to give the newspaper some kind of lefty/caring cover (though whether they are aware of this I am not sure).

So we have to ask, why would newspapers such as these first publish the 'leaks', which were then reprinted in other newspapers, also members of the NATO establishment?

Well, one answer is that 'they' wanted you to know that you were being spied on.

But how could 'they' know the 'leaks' were about to break?

Either Snowden is wittingly part of an operation, or Snowden is a genuine whistleblower but 'they' knew due to other information they had.

I have never met him but Snowden seems genuine enough. He does seem to have had a Road to Damascus moment. He may be a bit naive, in that he still believes that al Qaeda did 9/11 without any kind of establishment assistance, and he believed the lies of Rumsfeld and Cheney about 9/11 so much that he signed up to go to Iraq and kill Iraqis.

So, if Snowden is genuine, then how could 'they' know?


Snowden now claims that he left clues for the NSA.
He says that he actually intended the government to have a good idea about what exactly he stole. Before he made off with the documents, he tried to leave a trail of digital bread crumbs so investigators could determine which documents he copied and took and which he just “touched.” That way, he hoped, the agency would see that his motive was whistle-blowing and not spying for a foreign government. It would also give the government time to prepare for leaks in the future, allowing it to change code words, revise operational plans, and take other steps to mitigate damage. But he believes the NSA’s audit missed those clues and simply reported the total number of documents he touched—1.7 million. (Snowden says he actually took far fewer.) “I figured they would have a hard time,” he says. “I didn’t figure they would be completely incapable.”

[source : James Bamford, The Most Wanted Man in the World, Wired,]

And here is where we can now sreiously question Snowden's naivete, because he clearly believes that 'they' did not know, and that 'they' are "completely incapable".

Completely incapable. eh?

What has happened since the 'leaks' were, and still are, so spectacularly published on the front pages of the megaphone of Bilderberg, The Washington Post, and the NATO media flag ship The Guardian?
1. who has gone to jail? NOBODY!
2. how have laws changed? What was illegal is now legal and in some cases the NSA and now GCHQ have more power.
3. how many large scale, global protests have there been over this outrageous spying? Not that many, if any, and that is from around the world.

But the rise and rise of al Qaeda in Syria, and then Iraq, and then ISIS and then IS, together with alleged threats of ISIS slitting our throats as we slept in our beds at night, have been pushed and stated in The Marsten House as reasons why the likes of the NSA and GCHQ were only dong their job and should be given more powers to spy on us in order to 'protect' us.

This interview of Snowden has plugged a hole I was looking to fill: if Snowden was genuine then how could 'they' have known?

Well we now know: he virtually told them!

So a question to ask is: why would the NATO media have published and continue to publish The Snowden Revelations on their front pages, and in the case of Russia Today dedicate days to Snowden, yet none of them publish The Clark Revelations about the plan for totaler krieg on seven nations in five years after 9/11?

Answer : Because they want you to know.

And it has worked. There have not been any large scale protests about such intrusive surveillance. In fact, the people are thankful for it because of the threat of al Qaeda in Syria and Iraq, which is itself a manufactured threat due to MI5 allowing the likes of Michael Adebalajo to preach Jihad on the streets of London to persuade British Jihadis to go to Syria and train and fight alongside al Qaeda in Syria. Those Jihadis are now apparently writing on Ask trying to persuade more British Jihadis, women too, to join IS!!


ps this also explains why the likes of Alex Jones, David Icke, Webster Tarpley, Lyndon Larouche, Tony Gosling, etc are rarely mentioned in the NATO media, and when they are then it is only briefly and to be ridiculed.

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