Tuesday, August 26, 2014


The teachers and headteacher of one of the schools I have been in recently would have been very impressed with the pro-war propaganda I saw today. I visited the Imperial War Museum North on Salford Quays, which ironically is right opposite that paragon of warmongering, the BBC.

The main exhibition has hardly changed since I last went a few years ago. According to IWMN, World War 1 just happened. So did WW2. There is very little analysis of why these wars occured, but plenty of stuff to provoke emotions. But if the museum was supposed to provoke emotions of revulsion at war then today, and my previous visits, have not provided any evidence of this. On the contrary, the machine guns and knives and awards on display all serve to provoke pro-war emotions. Young boys were telling their grandfathers, "Wow! Grandad! Look at this machine gun!".

But the most sickening thing I saw today was in a small exhibition on WW1. One wall was covered in pro-war propaganda. One poster consisted of a smartly dressed young man being ordered by I assume his mother, "Go. It's your duty, lad!". This is precisely the kind of pro-war propaganda that I saw in on the walls of a school that had been written and drawn by the students.

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