Monday, August 03, 2015


Al Jazeera showed an interview of Robert "Death Squad" Ford this morning that was actually filmed on 16th May.


Why now?

Why is this American programme being shown on British TV?

On the Compass programme on Al Jazeera hosted by Sheila MacVicar, former US Ambassador to Syria, Robert "Death Squad" Ford was given plenty of opportunity to rant against President Bashar al-Assad of Syria. And he didn't waste one second. Ford's diatribe consisted of accusing Assad of not coming to the table to agree a power share. MacVicar even mentioned that several neighbours of Syria are sponsoring different factions fighting Assad and that it would be hard to get them to come together and fight as one. Ford suggested that if food and supplies were withheld from these factions until they formed a single fighting force under a unified command structure then these factions would eventually unite.

Hello? Have you lot heard of national sovereignty?

Are we all supposed to kneel before the money Gods of Wall Street and The City of London and offer all resources, human and natural, to those money Gods?

And eventually Ford began to discuss No Fly Zones and applying more military 'pressure' on Assad, ending his rant with these paraphrased words:
"We've been watching this happen in Syria for 4 years. It is time to stop it."

By "stop" Ford meant war on Syria.

Not surprisingly the gist of the rant was that Assad was in the wrong for standing up against the naked and not-so-naked aggression against Syria that was proposed at the latest in 1991 by Paul Wolfowitz who would later become the focus of Zionists called The Wolfowitz Cabal based in Robert Kagan's Project for a New American Century.

The transcript of the interview can be found here.

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