Saturday, September 16, 2017


You can find this on Alex Jones' twitter:

And yes, that is the same Saudi Arabia that Infowars have accused of doing 9/11.

And yes, that is the same Saudi Arabia that Bomber Trump accused of doing 9/11.

And yes, that is the same Saudi Arabia that Watson calls "a cancer on the world".

And yes, that is the same Saudi Arabia that Bomber Trump agreed a $350 billion weapons and defence deal with.

And yes, that is the same Saudi Arabia (who did do 9/11 and unleashed the Jihadis) that Bomber Trump forged an alliance with against Iran (who didn't do 9/11 and is fighting the Jihadis).

And yes, that is the same Trump who Infowars still support.

And yes, this is one of life's great headshaking mysteries.

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