Thursday, September 05, 2019


Garth Icke, son of pervert David, has again posted a video from 'comedian' Alistair Williams!

Even though Garth posted a previous video by the same 'comedian' which questioned the alleged assault on Owen Jones, when even the Metropolitan Police acknowledge that there was an assault on Jones, and not just on Jones but also on his friends who intervened to stop the assault, Garth has decided to post another vid by Williams..

And this tweet from Williams just about sums it all up:

Johnson and Farage are muppets (Murdoch puppets).

Farage wishes WW1 had been extended for 6 more weeks at a cost of 100,000 more British and allied dead (even though his grandfather Harry fought in WW1), and also wishes that Germany had been destroyed in WW1, even though there is overwhelming evidence that the British royal family engineered and kicked off WW1, and the Zionists kept WW1 going unnecessarily for 2 more years so that they would be given Palestine after WW1!

Farage's benefactor is CIA Bilderberg Zionist Rupert Murdoch.

Here's Farage with Murdoch laughing at you just a few days after the Brexit referendum in June 2016, after pulling off the greatest electoral fraud in history: Brexit.

I apologise most humbly and sincerely.

I am so very, very sorry that I helped to finance David Icke's IP court case in the mid-2000s.

Not only has he turned out to be a money-grabbing pervert.

His offspring, the foul-mouthed, Islamophobic, homophobic, chest-beating Garth, is now taking over?

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