Friday, December 06, 2019


Furious with Icke for appearing on The Alex Jones Show a few days ago, this morning I intended to compile what we know about AJ. Something told me to wait. I'm glad I did.

Coz of this in the New York Times by a former employee of Jones!!

The information in that article adds to and supports everything we know about Alex Jones.

He's not in this for truth and justice. He (and Paul Joseph Watson) are just in this for the money. Simple and plain.

Because if the world really was in the dire situation that they, and Icke, make it appear to be then why are they not giving their stuff away for free? You know, to help spread 'the truth'. Instead we get from them, "The sky is falling! We're all going to die! But if you buy all our stuff then we can save you!"

A previous article in BuzzFeed entitled Alex Jones Will Never Stop Being Alex Jones about working for Jones strongly suggests he is in this just for the money. This latest article in the NYT backs that up. And that he is a gun-and-violence-loving megalomaniac.

And as for that last sentence/statement, Jones' ex-wife Kelly has suggested that Jones is violent.

And that Jones' family stole her share of Infowars from her.

And that Jones had a secret camera placed to record her.

So where did Alex Jones get this from?

He claims that Infowars is a U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset, and that he is working with a 'faction' in U S intels who selected him because, he claims, he comes from the right stock.

So what is that stock?

The CIA and The Confederacy!

Half his family are CIA. And his late uncle Biff ran death squads in Guatemala for the CIA/Pentagon.

But if we go back further we find that:
1. his family founded the extremely racist Republic of Texas;
2. they then fought at the rank of colonel and general in The Confederate Army to defend negro slavery.

Which would explain why his ex-wife Kelly claims that Alex used to brag that his ancestor founded the Texas branch of the KKK.

And Alex is a notorious Zionist: in the mid-1990s he was filmed in his studio stating to a camera that Palestine belongs to the Jews; and he is now shilling for Israel and mega-Zionist Trump, covering up 9/11.

A few days ago David Icke appeared on The Alex Jones Show having slagged off Jones in his latest book The Trigger. It was sickening to watch Icke suck up to Jones. Sickening! Nauseating! Infuriating!

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