Tuesday, December 10, 2019


There's Info-whores claiming Trump would save 'Murica.

But what's Trump done?
1. sold out to the perps of 9/11;
2. plunged the USA into a further $3 trillion of debt.

It really is that simple.

I've been saying the following for 3 years now: it was the extreme rightist Zionist faction in the U S intel/mob community that elected Trump. That and the corrupt electoral college system in the USA.

And the recently released Horowitz Report strongly supports that statement, which recognises the crucial role that the FBI played in the last few weeks before the election with their claim to have found thousands of suspicious Clinton emails which turned out not to be suspicious at all.

The fact is: it's the 1% v the 99%.

The 1% keep us divided through Republican v Democrat, Conservative v Labour, pro-Brexit v anti-Brexit, City v United, red v blue, etc, etc, etc.

And as Infowhores continue their sickening suck up to the 1%, that battle will become (if it isn't already) the 0.1% v the 99.9%, which will become the 0.01% v 99.99%, etc, etc, etc.

But why should Info-whores care? They sold out. Alex Jones is a multi-millionaire, Paul Jospeh Watson sold out to become one. No morals. No scruples. Pervert, thief and failed amateur blackmailer. In other words: a total piece of shit!

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