Tuesday, June 09, 2020


I used to have some rispek for Derek. In the 2000s after 9/11 he and Infowars did some good stuff, claiming that 9/11 was an inside job and that virtually all terror is run by the intels.

But then in 2015/6 that all changed with the appearance of Roger Stone on Infowars to promote Donald Trump to the crucial Infowars demographic.

Infowars then went from blaming everything bad on the NWO to blaming everything bad on leftists, muslims and immigrants.

This is still going on this very day.

While Paul cries that statues of racists and imperialists and monsters and brutes and slavery-profiteers are being pulled down and/or being vandalised, some violently, by leftists, he now barely mentions 9/11, and when he does it's usually something to do with Ilhan Omar and suggestions that 9/11 was done by real life Muslims without any help from intels.

Also absent now are the criticisms of Saudi Arabia and the war in Yemen. Derek would frequently have a go at Obama over that. But coz Trump sold out to and protects the Saudis and flogs them billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions of weapons for their demented war on Yemen, Derek must find something else so Zionist U S Military Intelligence gives him a big fat paycheck at the end of the month.

Remember : Garth "Aynel sex" Icke promotes Derek on Davidicke.com while daddy Dave STILL promotes himself on bona fide racist Confederate extreme rightist Zionist U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset Infowars.

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