Sunday, November 05, 2023


Poor Watson seems to have lost his way a bit.

In his book, Order out of Chaos, he wrote the following:


Israel’s supposed arch-enemy, the terrorist group Hamas, was founded and
funded by Israel’s dominant Likud party and continues to be bankrolled to this
day by political bodies pushing a one world government system. This is not my
opinion and I am not breaking an exclusive story. It is a documented fact
reported on by mainstream news outlets and admitted by respected individuals
within the US and Israeli governments and intelligence agencies.

The objectives of Hamas dovetail with those of the Likud, no settlement at all
costs. Whenever the prospect of a workable peace settlement between the
Israelis and Palestinians arises, Hamas or one of their offshoots blows a bus,
restaurant or a hotel to bits. This gives Israel the justification needed to scupper
any agreement and further entrench their occupation of disputed lands. All the
outsider sees is carnage, death and a mainstream media that spins the issue so

that these atrocities somehow represent the wishes of the Palestinian people.
The Globalists have no intention of settling the conflict and will likely use it
several years down the line to initiate a near-apocalyptic third world war that will
fully ensconce their wicked empire. The final phase is a stage-managed ‘clash of
civilizations’ between the Arab world, possibly supported by China, and the west.

According to United Press International,
Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according to several current
and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect
financial aid to Hamas over a period of years.

Israel wanted to radicalize the dispute by molding Hamas into a fundamentalist
militant crusade to ape the Khomeini revolution in Iran. So much so that Israel
groomed potential Hamas leaders, pressuring Israeli authorities to give them
licenses to set up food kitchens, clinics, schools, and day-care centers, to create
a governing structure alternative to Arafat's Fatah. These were known as ‘Village
Leagues’ - and provided future Hamas operatives with a political and
governmental foothold. This began in 1978 when Prime Minister Menachem
Begin, himself a former terrorist leader, approved an application from Sheik
Ahmad Yassin to license the Islamic Association, which would later produce a
military wing, Hamas, in 1987. The Israeli Likud party propped up Yassin
because they both had the same agenda, to destabilize Arafat’s Fatah.

The Village Leagues were then infiltrated by the Israeli intelligence agency Shin
Bet, which provided weapons training for the Palestinians and also created a
network of thousands of informers. This funding and support continued even after
the signing of the 1993 Oslo accords.

The deliberate insertion of a competing faction would dilute support for the
Palestinian Liberation Organization. Current Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
had a key role in the formation of this policy. After the first wave of suicide
bombings began in 1994, Israel could also discredit the PLO by linking it with
Hamas after every terrorist atrocity. The hard line Likud party could then increase
its standing amongst the Israeli people by promising a brutal crackdown on
Palestinian terrorism. Chaos and anarchy on the West Bank entails order –
Likud’s order.


Watson now says he doesn't care about this, and only cares about saving white men, even though as he states above the Israel/Palestine conflict could be used to instigate WW3. 

Remember that Netanyahu in 2019 said that his plan was to use Hamas to stop the creation of a Palestinian state.

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