Sunday, August 11, 2024


The UK Gubmint is going to teach students through critical thinking and statistics how to identify "putrid conspiracy theories".

Will be very interesting how Israel's response to 7th October will be taught.

As well as how the British monarchy engineered and kicked off WW1 to create a world government. And when that plan failed, because the USA did not join because they suffered relatively few casualties, their Zionist allies on Wall Street helped to create the Nazis and Soviet Russia, so WW2 was basically a re-run of WW1, but this time the USA was in the war almost from the start due to the Pearl Harbour attack. This led to the USA suffering many more casualties than during WW1, so after WW2 the USA not only joined but now hosts The World Government in the form of The United Nations.

See : Children to be taught how to spot fake news and 'putrid' conspiracy theories online in wake of riots

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