Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Every morning Blair wakes up and salivates at the idea of war on Iran. Why he is so obsessed I don't know...or should that be was so obsessed? Maybe Blair is the rat.

Anyway, I think Blair's conduct during the recent "Iran hostage crisis" says alot.

He immediately said the sailors were captured in Iraqi waters when the maritime borders in that area have not been agreed.
He then would not apologise, just to get the sailors back, despite there being a very good probability that with Chris Air's interview he and the rest could have been tried as spies. Now that would have led to something much, much bigger...
But Ahmedinijad blinked, and the chance has gone.

No war for now, perhaps never.

The USA continues to hold five Iranians, and one released recently is suffering nightmares from the mock executions he was put through while held captive by the USA.

And poor Des Browne, forced to carry the can for a lame duck PM who is leaving soon in "a blaze of glory" (ie schools will get 3 pence per pupil extra while we spend billions on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for energy companies to reap huge profits).

Three carrier groups will soon be in the Persian Gulf. THREE!!

Looks like someone wants a war, dunit?

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