Thursday, November 10, 2011


I can't wait!

I can't wait!

I can't wait!

I can't wait!

I can't wait!

I can't wait!

Just one week to go until...BANKERS IN NEED DAY.

This time next week, next Thursday 17th November. Make it a date and don't be late.

Please give generously, and with a big wide smile, to one of the many armed mean-looking collectors patrolling the streets in their paramilitary gear (because if you don't they'll make a note of who you are and later grab you off the streets and take you away to shake you down for as much as you and your children and grandchildren have in your accounts).

The bankers need all the money they can get to continue their luxurious lifestyles of yachts and fast cars and mansions while the children of the world starve or fight for scraps in the streets with the dogs. You may have heard of Children in Need Day, this year 18th November, the day after Bankers in Need Day (and not by accident), on which we donate and hope to save the children of the world with just £30 million.


Give generously to the bankers who need it all! TRILLIONS AND TRILLIONS AND TRILLIONS to continue their eugenics and depopulation and war agenda for total enslavement and reduction of the human population.

Save the Bankers with multi trillions, or Save the Children with £30 million?

It's up to you.

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