Thursday, April 16, 2015


At least 1075!!!

Canada will join a training mission to help Ukraine's military in its struggle against Russian-backed rebels, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Tuesday, following months of requests for assistance from Ukraine's government.

Starting this summer, roughly 200 troops will be deployed, until March, 2017, to help develop and deliver training for Ukrainian forces personnel.

...Canada's British and American allies are already conducting training missions in Ukraine.

The U.S. has deployed 800 troops to train three — possibly four — battalions in western Ukraine, and the British recently sent 75 soldiers to give instruction in command procedures, tactical intelligence and battlefield first aid.

Canada will only be dealing with recognized Ukrainian government forces and not the kind of ad hoc militias that emerged earlier in the conflict, Kenney said.

[source : Ukraine crisis: Canada sending 200 trainers for Ukraine military, CBC,, 14th April 2015]

Those "ad hoc militias" are actually bona fide Nazis who burn people alive!!!

And you can add to that 1075 all the mercs and the spooks.

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