Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Hat tip to PJW:

If you thought it was bad in the UK, with nearly 200000 abortions every year, or 520 every single day, in the USA their defenceless unborn children suffer a 9/11 every single day. That's right. Every single day 3000 children are aborted/murdered/shredded in the USA.


#12 One very shocking study found that 86 percent of all abortions are done for the sake of convenience.

[source : 19 Statistics About Abortion That Every American Should Know, End Of The American Dream, http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/19-statistics-about-abortion-that-every-american-should-know, 20th April 2015]

Is this why nobody cares, why nobody wants to know the true reasons why we have been or currently are at war with:
1. Afghanistan (true reason: for opium);
2. Iraq (true reason: PNAC, A Clean Break, plan revealed to General Wesley Clark);
3. Libya (true reason: plan revealed to General Wesley Clark);
4. Syria (true reason: A Clean Break, plan revealed to General Wesley Clark, pipeline from the Pars gas field).

Meet the human race: too busy shagging and then killing the resulting children.

When 3000 people die in one day in order to provide the casus belli for a plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years and to massively increase the powers of the police state, there is global outrage and 14 years of war, terror and increasing surveillance.

But when 3000 children are murdered EVERY DAY, mostly just because their loving, doting parents fancied a shag, hardly anyone says a word in condemnation.

What's wrong here, people?!

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