Wednesday, December 04, 2019


This is possibly one of the if not the academic questions of WW1.

But this question is asked this time by Professor Christopher Clark.

His answer is here:

Clark's answer is basically waffle and pro-British monarchy , which is why he is Professor of History at Cambridge (along with Emma Rothschild whose family wrote the Balfour Declaration during WW1) (Clark is Australian).

The reason why Great Britain entered WW1 is because the British monarchy through Freemasonry engineered WW1!!

Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England Edward VII engineered The Triple Entente.

Freemasons assassinated Arch Duke Ferdinand and he knew they would.

And King George V tricked Germany into mobilising for war by telling Germany that Great Britain would not join in any European war, which in turn led Russia into mobilising, etc, etc, etc.

And so Germany and Russia mobilised for war.

And when Germany invaded Belgium King George V ordered Sir Edward Grey to get Great Britain into the war, even though he had told Germany that Britain would avoid any war.

Thus Great Britain tricked Germany into starting the war.

Clark is a fraud. As are all the other major academic historians coz they've all got senior academic positions and best selling books because they sold out.

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