Thursday, March 19, 2020


The developed world on lockdown.

Papers please!

Deine Papieren! DEINE PAPIEREN!!

Food rations. Military defending supermarkets. Mass redundancies.

And for what?

An unusually aggressive common cold, genetically engineered or not?

There is much more to the reaction to Covid-19 than concern. It could be that governments are unable to provide hospital space and help for those in need of it and are afraid that the death toll could lead to them being booted out.

Or as money-grabbing pervert David Icke suggests, there is a global agenda whose origin is in the dark recesses of space.

I also see Watson's on his it's-the-immigrants thing that he's paid to do. He sold out. Before Roger Stone everything bad was due to the NWO. After Roger Stone everything bad is due to leftists, muslims and immigrants.

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