Monday, January 10, 2011


Despite the initial allegations of the Mockingbird Media, it now appears that the alleged assassin of Gabrielle Giffords was a mind-controlled occultist cross-dressing communist!

Not the Tea Partier we were first told.

Not the right wing conspiracy nut.

But actually a mind-controlled occultist cross-dressing communist!

He bragged he was mind-contolled.

He worshipped skulls.

His favourite book was The Communist Manifesto.

He liked to dress up in female clothes.

He also bragged about his suicide. He expected to die while he killed Giffords.

But neither died.

What will Giffords call for now? She will have the USA in the palm of her hand. She will be able to get any law passed after her recovery, or generate any USA-wide consensus on immigration etc.

As for Loughner, what are they pumping him with right now? What drugs and MK Ultra or Phoenix mind control program is he going through right now? What will he say in court, if he unlike LH Oswald actually gets to court.

He wasn't supposed to live.

Neither was Giffords.

Now we'll see what happens when assassinations go wrong.

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